Water Purifier

Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection

Living Oranisms

Bacteria Infested

Digestion Tract

What is a Water Purifier?

A water purifier on drinking water can be a chemical oxidizer (chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, or ozone), or Ultra Violet (UV) disinfection (simulating sunlight inside a reflective stainless steel tube).

Chlorine is least desired, as chlorine breaks down in the presence of organics in the water to form carcinogens and is dangerous to handle, as is concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide, which may also affect taste.

Ozone is excellent, but it can result in corrosion to metal faucets and degradation to rubber seals in faucets, and elsewhere. UV Disinfection adds nothing to the water, requires the least maintenance, is inexpensive, and is safest.

Ozone (which is O3) and UV mimic natural purification, with UV being the most preferable purifier option. SpringPure offers UV & Ozone Water Purifier add-ons to your water treatment system.

UV Disinfection only purifies the water from bacteria and viruses. It does not purify the water from metals, toxins, or sediment. These contaminants must be removed prior to the Ultraviolet Disinfection Water Purifier.

When A Water Purifier is Recommended

Water sources from wells, springs, and smaller utilities providing city water often are contaminated with Fecal Coliform and E. coli.

Contamination sources leaching into potable watersheds may be caused by animal feces, bird droppings, or human skeptic systems leaching into watersheds, especially as the density of housing ever increases.

City utilities treating the water sometimes fail in proper disinfection, resulting in periodic “Boil Alerts” from the water utility to the homeowners in the affected area. More disconcerting is that contamination is never known beforehand, but only after potable water contamination.

For springs and wells, often the only time the water is tested is during a home purchase or refinancing of a home with a well or spring water source, which requires a letter of documentation of testing certifying a negative result for E. coli and fecal coliform.

Contamination is often dynamic/periodic despite a previous certification.

The sensitivity/danger of contamination is exponential to older people, past cancer patients, persons with a history of infections, or anyone with a compromised or weak immune system.

If the home is a rental, and someone is infected, yet no due diligence of water disinfection is provided by the owner, a lawsuit may be filed against the owner.

A UV Disinfection Water Purifier is recommended if any single situation below is true.

  • If your water utility periodically has “Boil Alerts.”
  • If your water tests Positive for Fecal Coliform or E. coli.
  • If water source to the home is a well or a spring.
  • If anyone in the home has a weak immune system:
    • 70 years of older
    • Kidney issues
    • A history of infections
    • Previous chemotherapy or
    • A Rental Property (due diligence of owner)

Fecal Coliform & E. coli Water Tests

Bacteria testing requires an incubation period, so accurate testing requires 48-72 hours to achieve results.

A “Negative test” does not mean no bacteria, it just means the bacteria level is low enough not to normally affect healthy people.

But as mentioned earlier, a “negative test” can result in dangerous infections for persons over 70, or anyone with a weak or compromised immune system.

SpringPure UV Disinfection Water Purifier

SpringPure UV Disinfection Water Purifier always requires filtration prior to the UV unit. Most often, the SpringPure MAX Catalytic Filter is installed prior to UV disinfection, as water to be treated must be extremely clean prior to the UV bulb.

As an Adder to the SpringPure MAX Catalytic Filter, the cost including installation is $595.

Purchase of UV Disinfection alone, with installation, but not as an adder, is $895.

This is only an option If the water is clean except for bacteria.

Water Purifier Testimonial

SpringPure not only installs UV Disinfection Water Purifiers to homes like yours, we also install them all over the world. Our slogan, “Clean Water for You. Clean Water for the World,” is reflective of our commitment to use part of our profits to install purification systems to poor neighborhoods and villages for free in other parts of the world – as well as in disaster areas such as caused by the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Japan’s Tsunami, and Ecuador’s devastating earthquake.

In Ecuador’s case, we installed systems in 6 villages. In one such village, a year later, Ecuador’s Health Department conducted a study of water borne parasites in children, and found an anomaly – a village with an 80% reduction in water borne parasites. They asked the children, “Where do you get your water from?” The children’s answer was with big smiles, “From the SpringPure!” We love what we do, providing pure water to your family, and to children in other parts of the world who otherwise would not have clean water. You, our customers, make it possible for us to give of ourselves in this way.

What is the warranty?

Our UV cannister has a lifetime warranty.

What maintenance is required?

First, proper filtration prior to the UV must be maintained, including changing a 5 micron Carbon Block Filter annually, or more often if needed. Second, the UV bulb must be changed each year. Third, ballasts need to be replaced less often.

How effective is UV Disinfection?

When sized properly, UV Disinfection is 99.9999% effective against bacteria & viruses.

Is a “Salt Softener” Unhealthy?

SpringPure only sells oversized UV Disinfection systems rated @ 12 gpm, which exceeds needs capacity unless there are unique circumstances.

Professional Annual Service

SpringPure offers full service including cleaning of media, filters, small parts & seal kit replacement as needed, serviced annually.

Schedule Free Water Testing
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